I have finally found a boater hat that doesn't A. make me look like my namesake 'Madeleine the french orphan' Although i am rather partial to the idea of a romanticised existence in Paris or B. make my head look like a pea.
I found this little beauty on the off chance whilst walking past one of my favourite charity shops -I am an extremely avid charity shop trawler, I always find the best things in there for so much cheaper than the 'vintage' ones, there seems to be more of a story behind the garments also.
This particular hat i secured for £2- you couldn't make it that cheap - to quote my mother.
It went perfectly with my riviera type outfit I was channeling in the vein attempt to allure a bit of the Italian magic back into my life *sigh*
You cannot get, in my humble opinion, better smoothies than that from 'Olive and Bean' in Newcastle- fresh fruit, non of the rubbish. perfect