AGP outside!
Cecile & Marie-Grace!
They're future display
My soon to be doll Chrisa!
Creativ Tees!
Felicity was wondering where the stylist was.
Felicity fell asleep. LOL!
The MAG dolls asked Felicity to give this shirt to Bella, but Felicity wore it first! LOL!!!
Felicity has the whole inner star U look!
I also got mini Emily! Isn't she just too cute?
Lastly, I got the Petal Pink Outfit! It looks SO gorgeous in Felicity!
Before, I sign out on this post, please be sure to go to The Official site 4 AG Fanatics after you read and (hopefully comment) ! =)

P.S. Please read tomorrow's post, it would really mean a lot to me if you read it, and participate. =)
P.P.S. Please vote for me HERE in Chloe's photo contest!