Bag: Zara
Jacket: Burberry
Skirt: Vintage
Shoes: Reiss
Glasses: Vintage
Jumper: Zara
Belt: Reiss
New York Fashion week is in full swing and I consider it cruel and unusual punishment that I cannot be there (I know, poor me!).
The cost of a flight and hotel alone is more than my net worth, but thanks to the wonder that is the Internet, I shall be able to watch it all unfold from the comfort of my own home- donning a onezie and Louboutins. Standard.
This jacket is another one of those little gems that has lasted me years and will continue to last me through the ages- The Burberry mac never ceases to amaze me- Utterly timeless and perfectly designed to make even the most basic of outfits look expensive! Point in case with the neutrals in this one.
I think 3/4 length pencil skirts are my calling. I love a good shin length number and always want to wear work appropriate attire for every day- must be the fact I used to adore playing post office's as a child. Normal.
These glasses are a pair of tortoise shell cat-eye ones I got made into my prescription a little while back. I searched high and low for a pair like this, Sometimes the only way is vintage.