Trousers: Zara
Jumper: Zara
Bag: Zara
Shoes: Topshop
Necklace: H&M
The day I became Zara's bitch. Now it is no secret that I am partial to a bit of Zara- I love the tailoring, the materials and, in my humble opinion, they do some of the best basics for the price on the high street. My love affair with Zara has been a long and loyal one and there are no signs of it letting up.
However, today I did an unusual thing for me- every item of clothing I was wearing came from said shop. It wasn't pre-meditated, it just kind of happened.
These trousers I got a little while ago and wore them to meet the boyfriends parents (must mention at this point they live in a vicarage. perfectly quaint) Felt they were quite vicar appropriate. I love the berry colour and the extra long length means they drape beautifully.
The jumper is a firm favourite, although it does seem to have acquired a curious ink stain- must look into this.
The necklace I bought months ago, forgot about it and found it in the back of my car last week- along with a fork, a missing shoe and numerous empty water bottles.
Not quite sure what the 'squatting' position is- I think I wanted to show how the trousers hang with the longer length?!