Yes, I know that it sounds strange that I live in Toronto and I've already gone to 2 AGPs but this trip to AGP New York was kinda a last minute thing.
It was only yesterday that my trip to AGP was on the edge of..... well, not going. But now I am going YAY!! Though I doubt that I will even go to AGP next year.
But I will only buy one or two items, since there is not enough time for me to get the money goal, that I would like. On my last 2 trips to AGP (and yes I know I say AGP A LOT in this post), I had like $120 in balance, but I don't even have have of that!! But, it's just the joy of going that is important. :)
Anyways, this is my second time going to AGP New York and to see my first time (with tons of pictures), please click HERE!!!
Oh and by the way I am going to AGP New York on the either the 19th or 20th of August.