Aside from him being absolutely adorable...
He is completely insightful and has this constant stream of information on social politics and music.
To a nerd like me, that is like male heroine.
He's a ginger.
I normally don't like ginger guys, the ones that I have met were too marginalized and I've found that they've aquired a smug sense of humor due to their harassment.
I know that sounds like a douchey thing to say, but he's HOT
He is completely insightful and has this constant stream of information on social politics and music.
To a nerd like me, that is like male heroine.
He's a ginger.
I normally don't like ginger guys, the ones that I have met were too marginalized and I've found that they've aquired a smug sense of humor due to their harassment.
I know that sounds like a douchey thing to say, but he's HOT