
Sep 10, 2011

Photo Contest Entries+3 Winners!

Okay, so our first entry came from Emma!
I really, like her entry, it's so creative!
Our next entry came from Mackenzie!
This entry, is too cute!!
So, our next entry came from American Girl Dolls Rock!!

This entry is just gorgeous!
Our next entry came from Shelby. =)

Our, next entry is from Priya!
This, entry I just love! It's very cute. I remember reading Lanie walking her bunny Lulu in Lanie's first book.
  Okay, and the winners are...........................................................................................................................

1st Place: 
Mackenzie & Priya!
2nd Place: 
American Girl Dolls Rock!!
3rd Place:  
Emma W.! 
I would also like to give a honorable mention to Shelby.
  Here are the awards! Since I loved all the winner's pictures so much, I decided to edit them as there awards!
Here is Mackenzie's award.
Here is Priya's award. =)

Here is American Girl Dolls Rock's award.

Here is Emma's award.
  Also, this little button is for everyone who participated!

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